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Favorite Horror Movie

What's the one favorite horror movie or series that you can't watch by yourself, yet will watch it over and over if given the opportunity ?

David3001 5 July 21

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The original "The Fog".


SALEM'S LOT. Stephen King. Love it.


That movie was CREEPY! Like a modern day Blob

@David3001 I was talking about my day-to-day life. lol

@TheGreatShadow The question is then... Creepy? or not Creepy?

@GipsyOfNewSpain Enough horror IRL. Don't need to watch a movie about it. I like comedies. Not enough of that IRL. That's what I was trying to say.

@TheGreatShadow Some people's life is a comedy of errors... others is a comedy of horrors.... Mine is simply a comedy I can laugh about anything and capable of being disrespectful, can't take life too serious... No matter what.... You can't stay.

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