We take in refugees because they want to get away from violent militias. Want to send them back? Sounds like a great way for ISIS to recrute new members. He doesn't even realize what he is doing. I remember Justin saying once that he would welcome Americans (non-felons) to Canada if trump was elected. Is there an adopt-an-american program? I love French-Canadian girls and like Montreal... I could learn French really fast!
Exactly. NON FELONS... You may not believe it but many of the persons seeking asylum today have been deported -some more than once) in the past. ...and they were deported for committing all kinds of crimes. Some of these people are felons and we must identify them.
The problems these people are running from are not the militias but the gangs, drug dealers and overall corruption.
Yes, while I feel bad for them I can't see why USA is supposed to fix their problems.
Separating the kids is a law signed in 1996 and it was done to prevent child trafficking. Are you aware that many of those saying "They separated me from my kids." are not the kids real parents...are not even related?