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LINK The Smugness of the Left

I don't agree with everything in this article but it's worth reading. What's true of the US and UK is essentially true of Australia (and probably Slobbovia as well).

Hellbent 7 July 26

Enjoy being online again!

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The irony is that the sjws think that the red pill folks are the ones being smug when it's really the other way around.


Thank you for sharing. As one who is conservative-leaning, I can attest to personally dealing with the mentioned liberal smugness from some. Honestly though, I'm tired of both sides being at odds with each other.


So how would the left go about repairing the damage that is already done?

@Hellbent I think you have a point here. As the economic divide widens, working class ppl have no one representing them so they are lured by the likes of Pauline Hansen's One Nation. Labor is a sham

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