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QUESTION What Is 'Water Memory'? Why This Homeopathy Claim Doesn't Hold Water

May Nyman, a chemistry professor at Oregon State University, told Live Science that the whole idea of "water memory" doesn't make sense.

"I don't believe in water memory, because water molecules move. They're constantly rotating with respect to each other, forming hydrogen bonds, breaking hydrogen bonds," Nyman said. In other words, there's no structure in a solution of liquid water permanent enough to account for any long-term memory, she said.

"Introducing ions [electrically charged particles] certainly can change the pattern of bonds," Nyman added. "But the further out you get from a single ion in the solution, the more muted the effect. Just a few layers of water, and the water molecules further away will ignore that ion."

zblaze 7 Jan 10

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Personally I put no stock in Homeopathy whatsoever, a think it is just snake oil nonsense and should be banned as such it has killed far too many children already and it seems to go hand and hand with the strangest of christian cults.

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