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Ancient aliens.
this is not for anyone special, I have seen on here a few times, where an athiest/ agnostic, does not like when I point them at the documentary that debunks this show. they get emotional think you are attacking them. when I am wrong about something, and someone corrects me or points me at the correct information, I don't get all but hurt about it and double down on this line of thinking, I learn and move on. I think people confuse debunking ancient aliens with debunking the chance for life in the universe.I fully agree with the drake equation . Here is the link for debunking that crap show. please watch it . Its very educational.

MichaelSpinler 8 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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It's pretty easy to take on an idea like Ancient Aliens, Nephelim, Planet-X and find a compelling counter argument presented in a video. But, keep in mind that Evolution is still only a theory, even though it is widely accepted. I believe that to really understand something like ancient megalithic structures like Göbekli Tepe that has been dated as 12,000 years old, you have to do a lot more looking at the evidence both supporting and detracting from the evidence to make an informed decision. Otherwise it's just entertainment to support your already well formed opinion on these matters.

Sumeria was thought to be the earliest civilization known to exist, from 5,000 BCE - 1,750 BCE. With that in mind, explain Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, Sacsayhuaman and Machu Picchu in Peru, Some of the stones at these sites weigh a hundred tons and were moved 30 miles from the quarry where they were carved, with no wood for roller at those elevations. We still can't say how the pyramids were constructed and the people who built these would be considered primatives.

Having an opinion is fine, but it takes more than a video or two to really understand the science and history being contested. And, I also must say that if you allow for the possibility of alien existence, you are talking about civilizations able to travel interstellar distances. That suggest races with technologies and capabilities thousands or millions of years more advanced than ours. So as silly as some of the stuff on Ancient Aliens seems, it is quite conceivable that we could have been a destination for a long long time.

You, sir, are what is wrong with social media in that you are more interested in acting intelligent and insulting people than you are in civil discussions. In other words you are a Troll. Just as I am agnostic regarding the existence of god, I know that I don't know whether there were ancient aliens. I find Erich von Däniken's work far from scientific and self-promoting. However, the work of Zecharia Sitchin, Graham Hancock and David Wilcock present compelling arguments for ancient civilizations and megalithic structures that mainstream science and archeology cannot dismiss or explain.

The Origin of Species was written as a theory and remains one today. Just as General Relativity is a theory, subject to revision. Your statement about evolution being a fact displays a level of ignorance and the personal certainty of a small, closed mind. I'll be sure to ignore your future posts and replys.

'Not another "just a theoryist" as the replies above from @MichaelSpiner states a scientific theory is far beyond what most people consider the definition of theory to be. I don't see you flying around defying Newtons "theory" of gravitation. Evolution was considered fact before the discovery of DNA and since that discovery, it has only been proven time and time again to be fact. Undeniable scientific fact.
There's actually very good evidence for how the pyramids were made, look into the internal ramp, it shows how it could have been done with relative ease and less people that originally thought..
There are problems with saying there was no wood to use as rollers, these societies had traded with others and there is once again evidence of trading so, like timbers were floated down the Nile timber was rolled, carried and moved from one place to another. Or like at Machu Picchu the area was deforested which led to the soil erosion which polluted rivers and made life for a large society near impossible there.
And as for being an alien destination, where is there any evidence? We've visited the moon but a handful of times and the place is littered with evidence of us having been up there. Where is there one piece of alien technology found here on earth?


WellI I am not one of them, but I might change my mind if someone unearthed actual evidence like a titanium alloy bolt from undisturbed 10,000 year old strata. I suspect I will die still waiting.

The evidence is out there and all you have to do is look.

@SoloSentient I keep looking but, it isn't there.


I am with you Michael. I view Ancient Aliens for entertainment value. Everybody has to make living right🙂 I like watching the professionals show a practical method on how they believe the ancients drilled holes in stone or moved large stone, and sawed stone and this feeds my intellectual interest (its all good🙂). Thanks for sharing this. It is put together in a nice package. I have seen a lot of the footage on various programs, but it is really nice to have it all together. I would like to state that it is hard not to believe that there is intelligent life somewhere else in this vast universe. Do you agree?

@MichaelSpinler I for got about movie. Thanks for the input.


You might want to read "the eleventh planet". Just saying.

Apologies. The title was "The 12th Planet--Book of The Earth" by Zecharia Sitchin. He is only one of 5 people on Earth that has translated ancient Sumerian. I'm a fan of Ancient Aliens as entertainment. You know it's dramatic when the narrator says "ancient alien theorists believe blah, blah, blah". Zech is an actual historian. You can look him up on Youtube.


Dam you! 😮

I just spent almost 3 hours watching that. It was rather delicious seeing him shred Ancient Aliens, most of the theories I have had issues with for years. I know that throughout most of my youth, Von Daniken's theories just lingered out there as a possibility, but who really had the time and inclination to dissect them all?

However, that being said, the one thing this debunking doc was not able to explain, and in fact piqued my interest even further, was the last segment on the Nephalem Giants. Now I'm seriously wanting to find a real scientific explanation for the global origins of this belief. Googling doesn't help much, since the majority of hits are Biblical apologist sites, or on hoaxes.

Anyone know more about this? Any suggestions?


Ancient Aliens is the biggest insult to humanity's accomplishments since God.


The "Ancient Aliens" series, while entertaining, frames half-truths and incomplete data as evidence of aliens having visited Earth and cultivated human civilization or otherwise meddled in human development. I love the debunking video because it actually shows how the "Ancient Aliens" guys are, at best, bad at being historians and, at worst, outright liars.






Is it just me or does David Childress sound permanently sarcastic?

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 11, 2018

I had a lovely chat with an employee of my company a couple of years back about his theory that aliens helped Muhammad to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. He's a nice chap, so I didn't have the heart to tell him the Pyramid had already been there for more than 3000 years by the time Muhammad was born.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

I've watched this about 3 times, it's fantastic, I have a passion for history and that show has been murdering it for seasons now. This is the documentary that helped break up a past relationship, she believed and I did not, I may have put it on the TV one evening in the background to gauge a reaction, boy did I get one! I've never heard denial like it!

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 11, 2018

@MichaelSpinler my pleasure, I like a good rant! the perfectly square laser cut rocks at Pumapunku are my favourite non evidence, If I built my doors that square i'd have to knock down my house to fit them! you're right the emotional attachment to these theories is incredible. I highly recommend Micheal Shermers "why smart people believe stupid things" his books such as the "believing brain" explain how smart people are actually very good at rationalising crazy things in such a way they can be mislead by themselves, I think it's very important for us to not just think of the people who follow such things are morons as quite often they are not. it still doesn't explain the emotional link though.


Years ago one Erich von Däniken came up with this hypothesis. He was popular and wrote several books on of which "Chariots of the Gods" became a big seller. The big problem I see is it has the same problem with (a ) god. Where or when did the aliens originate? At some point in time life must have had a start. Part of his theory was shown in the movie "A Space Odyssey" where the monkeys came to a large, vertical slab of polished black stone which was supposed to signify some prior being had visited the Earth.

I read those books, found them very entertaining, didn't believe a word of it. I love well presented crack-pot theories.

Interesting fact about Chariots of the Gods : it was extensively rewritten by editor Wilhelm Utermann, who had been a prominent member of the Nazi party.


If you haven't already read it, I recommend John Sladek's *New Apocrypha" 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Jan 11, 2018
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