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To experience life also requires one to experience death. They are equal parts of the whole. As owner of equal parts shouldn't I have control of both sides.

Marine 8 Aug 1

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I would suppose that dying may certainly be experienced..Death..not so. If this is a given then I would say that one could have some control over how and when you die..that is of course if you so choose the how and the when.

Furthermore..if you are dying from natural causes aging..disease also could in some respects control some aspects of your palitive care..up to and including voluntary euthanasia in some jurisdictions.


you have no real control over either

yes I do


This is clearly false though. We experience life now, and no one has truly experienced death (brain death). Death is not something one can experience at all. Once you’re dead, there is no brain to do the experiencing.

I support the idea of assisted suicide in certain scenarios, but this nonsense is not a good argument for it.


Ummm, really? I have actually died 2x,and did not find it enhanced my life in any way......u

So have I and the results were the same. yYjr point is no one has any right to tell me what to do iwth my body or when


As a person who's individual rights are protected by the Constitution, why should I have to fight what i do regarding my body . If I chose to have an abortion it is of no concern to anyone except me. If I chose to commit suicide it isn't anyone's concern except mine.

If I am in a pregnancy and I cannot afford to raise the child properly or if the child is destine to be medically ill their entire life or a result of a rape I should have the final say as to the end result of the pregnancy. It affects no one else except me. This right is protected by th Constitution.

To have life is to also be confronted at some point with death. They are one and the same and cannot be avoided. Why should I then be denied to end my life with dignity if I feel it has become necessary due to illness or pain? Isn't a suicide conducted in a proper manner better than jumping off a bridge ,shooting oneself or some other drastic means. Wouldn't it be better to have family at your side and say warm goodbyes rather than be confronted by a late news story that is of no concern to anyone.Those of us who would deny the person the relief of pain and suffering do us no great feat rather they subject us to a hardship one should not need to suffer. I do not wish to be subjected to the whims of some religious tradition or rules. It is my body and my decision as to when I choose to end my life. Government has no rights in this matter other than to protect my right to make this decision.

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