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Electric wizard

Any (original lineup) Electric Wizard fans up in here? Holler!

SXXX9 4 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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You are not talking about Nikola Tesla, are you?

No, not Nikola, lolo a metal band from England, although that's a great name for him, it never occurred to me

Now that I think about it, I may have seen that name being applied to Tesla, probably when I did a search for the band lolo


I’ve heard a couple of their songs after I was introduced to the genre by Green Druid.
I’m not a stoner, but I’m loving what I’m hearing.
Any other band recommendations?

New Keepers of the Water Towers

New Keepers are one of my favorite metal bands, right alongside the original Wizard. Have you checked them out? I recommend you start at the beginning, with Chronicles (2009). Their sound progresses from hardcore metal with Chronicles and The Calydonian Hunt (2011) to a Mastodon-esque mellower progressive style with The Cosmic Child (2013) and concludes with a psychodelic King Crimson-type vibe on The Infernal Machine (2016).

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