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QUESTION The Growth of Mainstream Conservative Conspiracy Theories - Areo

If we are to look at some examples of “fringe” beliefs in popular conservatism, I think my point become more clear. I can’t, for instance, come up with a liberal counterpart to someone like Alex Jones who, to his two million weekly listeners, has touted theories like the use of the US’s “gay bomb,” a souped-up vaccine conspiracy suggesting that vaccine side effects are intentional, or the suggestion that the Sandy Hook shooting was orchestrated. Jones once hosted a guest on his show who claimed that NASA was operating a child-sex ring on Mars. Jones says this all, of course, while he peddles his wares, a major source of income for his show: male virility supplements and apocalypse preparedness kits.

zblaze 7 Jan 12

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Alex Jones sounds like a parody of someone like Alex Jones. It's hard to believe ANYONE listens to him and says: "Hmm. Yes, he's got a point I never thought about." And Fox News channel has plenty more of the same ilk. But there are real wacky stories going around online. Michelle Obama is really a man, or maybe a Gorilla. Barak on the other hand was of course, as every trump fan knows, from Kenya, and a Moslem - or, on the other hand , he could be a shape shifting lizard being. Reptilian. And they never had children, the children are props. HEY, not my opinions, just quoting mad conspiracies.


why are you watching that bunk? STOP IT

LOL I stopped watching him three years ago. He was just one example of conservative conspiracy wingnuts.


I thought vaccine conspiracy was a crazy leftist vegan thing.... hmmm

I've always thought it was science denying, religious conservatards that were propagating that

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