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How do we combat an administration that has actually declared war on secularists which is protected by the Constitution?

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Donate to the ACLU today, and thereafter!


The GOP is corrupt through and through. Unlike with Nixon in 1973, there won't be any "heroic Republicans" who will stand up to a President from their own party. So I agree with @Condor5, the only option is to re-take at least the House if not the Senate. That will enable proper Congressional oversight, including impeachment.

Even then, it'll be dicey, because that will be seen as a partisan, rather than moral, stance. There may be substantial civil unrest.

Regrettably we have to overcome, not only the frightening percentage of citizens who enable Trump, not only the Democratic party's constantly getting in its own way and being in thrall to plutocrats itself, but also, continued Russian election meddling, GOP voter suppression / gerrymandering, etc.


It seems the only peaceable recourse is to vote the fuckers out. Beyond that, things are looking pretty bleak. I see some hope arising with the Justice Democrats movement, with the likes of Alexandria Cortez, and Kamala Harris; among those who will not take corporate $$, and who support popular social programs. I'm just waiting to see how viciously the Right attacks them in the run-up to November's elections.


There is only one CURE for this - A BLUE WAVE from coast to coast in November

@Eric88 I’m new to the ‘upper edge of the South.’ What needs to happen is for Southerners to realize they’ve been duped! Look at their living conditions compared to either side of the nation - the blue edges, the so-called liberals … as they wallow in religion & poverty in the south. Shit - they’re the ones in need of some serious socialism..

@Varn You got that right. But don't hold your breath. Lots of hate down there.

@Eric88 It is difficult to get through to these people who are still fighting the civil war in many respects. They are not able to do an analysis of the harm trumpie has done to them and to the country. It hurts me to my core to see just the damage he is doing to the environment and to many people in need.


Sessions and his new creation is set upon denying the secularists their right to be the same and avoid religion and it's beliefs. How can we allow this action to be taken without fighting back in the press and with our votes. His action is criminal and against the Constitution. This is another attempt to suppress freedom in our country by not following the Constitution which the republicans state they support so strongly.Everyone , please point this out to your congress people and in the press. The lack of action on our parts will result in the loss of this freedom.

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