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Do you believe in being "IN LOVE"?

Somehow distinct from loving someone, is the elusive being "in love" with someone. Do you take for granted that everyone gets filled with butterflies and craves someone like an addiction? Is it universal? What are your thoughts about "Being In Love"?

ownworstenemy 7 Jan 13

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It's great, falling in love is wonderful, staying in a bad relationship too long is the mistake.


What is "in love"? Your question reminds me of a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
When in love, we love in many ways because we are all different. When truly in love, oh my, the emotions are felt within each cell and overwhelm everything. The Brownings shared a timeless love.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height,
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life: --- and, if god choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

And so it is that when in love, love overwhelms us with emotions we can't explain. Many people fear this sense of overwhelming and do not submit to it. However, there are those of us who tread lightly while letting love take affect. Love is intoxicating.

Beautiful. I subscribe to being overwhelmed head over heels in love. I have recently read about a word used to describe it as "limerence" that basically prompted me to ask ask the question here... and yep, I got it. For better or worse


To be totally honest....I don’t actually know what love means...let alone is....there are so many feelings to one meaning and 99.9% of everyone will not feel the same feelings as their partner....I suppose one could gage whether ones in love....if a love chart was invented....I.e. a series of statements from a pole of a number of people sharing their meaning of love....and with that....creating a chart....and on seeing the chart...if one could answer or say a number of statements....would then determine if u were in fact in

I suppose love is as subjective as beauty, but a questionnaire might clear it up a bit 🙂

I can create a BS detector and the needle moves too far into the brown, I Know.

To measure love, maybe impossible. All animals love, the Universe is glued together with firey love. Generally we don't get enough love.




Believing it and experiencing it, those are two different things.
I have experienced that kind of love unlike any other.
I had a husband that passed away 4 years ago.
We were married for many years , and the anticipation of seeing him throughout the day kept the butterflies going.

Even if I was swamped at work I would get a random phone call saying to me, "hey sexy I will see you when you get home, I love you".

At work I would get random flowers for no reason. Reason was that he still cared to show me that I was loved.

He would show up for a random lunch date with a gift.

Every single day he would tell me how sexy or beautiful I was. If a woman feels beautiful she feels better about herself.

Oh and the sex was pure bliss and erotic.

Our marriage worked because we put each other first. Most people are too selfish.
We were kind and loving to each other.

The things that you do to get a woman/man,
those are things that one should continue to do.

We spoiled each other rotten in every which way.
I have been truly loved and cherished.

Very lucky you.

I wasn't lucky enough to have him for life.


The beauty of ultimate romantic love. If the love of our lovers dies through change or death. We can build an even a bigger and better lover as we have come to a higher energy level in life.


yes, I believe in lust plus empathy and a few other things create the transient feeling of being "in love" as opposed to simply feeling love for someone. I don't believe it lasts or conquers all though.

What other word comes closest to conquering it all?

@Castlepaloma Death?

Lol! Accounting to the vas majority Religious. We go to heaven and live with God, who is their ultimate love.

I rather worship the pussy and the Sun here first. No greater pleasure and love strength.


It's not what we tend to think it is, or want it to be. It's not nearly as important as some societies maintain. It's not something necessary that everyone needs for life to be complete.

I've had butterflies aplenty, and thought I was "in love" several times, but in hindsight I rather think I was undergoing initial chemical infatuations. Nothing wrong with that. Problems arise when you have all kinds of expectations tied up in it is longevity...

Ken Keyes Jr.'s "Living Love way" talks about being "in love" with everyone, all the time. Its a different formulation: an attitude, an intention. More interesting to me.

Sounds like the "in love" is kinda like infatuation then..?? and different than the long term of caring in depth.

@ownworstenemy yeah I'd say so. It's been studied and determined with assurance that the "butterflies" lasts something like 1-3 years tops. Just long enough to copulate, procreate, and raise offspring to through infancy. All nature really needs from us.


Sometimes automatic, other times uniquely different from my own experience. Like getting clubbed in the head, but the soft smell of dessert filling the room. Sometimes I want to run but it’s all I see. That’s the difference for me!


Chemical reaction in the brain. It fades.

That it does, but you cannot explain that to one under its intoxicating power... you have to let them go and make their own mistakes.

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