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Getting pissed at a church sevice?

Do you remember the first time you got pissed at a church service. They were jumping up and down and rolling on the floor. The preacher said god was in this house...can you feel it? I didn't feel it. I was in shock at what was going on. God was making people do all this? Why can't you just have a simple talk instead of all this? The preacher just smiled like he created this. He's got all these people under his control. He said if you leave without feeling this you where going straight to hell... What an Ass hole.

BucketlistBob 8 Jan 13

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I haven't had the colourful experiences that some have had, just dragged to Catholic Church on Sundays, but I have to say I do not like and have never liked being in churches. I go now only for B, D and M s. There is something I loathe about churches. No, not fear of God. It's the feeling like I'm in the Bronze Age; dudes in silly hates and costumes, and all the looking "up" at God. Looking where? There is no up, just a ball in space and we are on it. It's just creepy. Some love all the churchy pantomime, but I loathe it and can't wait to leave to rejoin the 21st Century. I think I find it child-like. And I don't like childish behaviour.

I still like the smell of incense as they walk by. It's kind of colorful too.


A typical bible brain washed idiot. What happened to the tale that god loves us all ? But for Christ's sake, you better believe all this crap or you will be cast into the lake of fire to be fried in hell forever ! Charmed, I'm sure !!


A typical bible brain washed idiot. What happened to the tale that god loves us all ? But for Christ's sake, you better believe all this crap or you will be cast into the lake of fire to be fried in hell forever ! Charmed, I'm sure !!


Sounds rapie....

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