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New here, I’m generally looking for like minded people who are local , at the very least in the Gulf Coast area.

HeidiBC 5 Jan 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello and welcome! @HeidiBC


Hi. Welcome.


Welcome aboard


Which gulf? Sorry, I am from a place far far away. Over here that would mean Darwin or Adelaide.

Sorry! I’m in the US, coast of the Gulf of Mexico ??????


Hi Heidi! I’m in Mobile, so not too far away. I’ve only been here a short time, but most of the folks here are great!

Thank you ! I’m looking forward to meeting some people... is there an organized group there ?

@HeidiBC there are a few loosely organized pagan groups here in Mobile; and the Unitarian Universalist hosts events from time to time, but nothing that I know of that could be considered an atheist/agnostic group.
We are here, but we aren’t always easy to find.

I have found an atheist group from Jackson, that is branching off to Hattiesburg , maybe , just maybe , as I consider myself very adept at organizing and supporting these sorts of things, we can work on something where we meet In the middle..... I am sadly aware that most atheists in this area don’t “advertise “... I’m happy to start here ??????. On another note, I have found that with folks who are pagan , In whatever way that manifests, don’t quite understand why I’m atheist, so far as they tend to believe in supernatural beings etc . Nothing wrong with that ,but I’d prefer not to engage those conversations anymore.

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