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Discussion Ideas for Psych 101?

This semester, I'm teaching an online section of Psych 101. I've never taught online before, so I want the class to be interesting and engaging. If nothing else, I try to teach my students to think for themselves, so I really like to emphasize topics like consciousness, perception, and group/social psychology. With that in mind, I'd love to hear some suggestions and ideas from members of this site, particularly discussions I can start in the online forum we have.

Darla_Ann 5 Aug 9

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Maybe try to work in Donald Trump's psychosis into the course


I think they would be very interested in the dynamics of identity politics.


I would try to balance out the subject matter for a comprehensive psychology overview .
Maybe use Maslow's hierarchy of needs as the primary subject , and try starting at the base of the needs pyramid and discussing the psychology of each element of each needs group as much as possible ?

I have topics I have to cover every week based on the department's curriculum, which cover a broad range of issues.

Some of my recent research basically says Maslow is outdated and inaccurate. I'll try to find the source and share.

@Darla_Ann ...that sounds interesting .
Maslow's was overly - basic I think ... a good starting point !
I've seen lots of other versions .
I've liked the 8 stage model best so far .

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