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QUESTION ‘Why not me?’ More women run for office.

Finally, some good news. This editorial is centered on my part of the country, Washington State, but it also covers a trend for the whole country. Men have mostly screwed up the world now let’s see if women can heal it, if it’s not too late. Maybe tRump will, unintentionally cause some good movements in our present day dysfunctional government.

Anyone recognize the building painting? It is from the series “Northern Exposure” which was filmed in Roselyn WA, not Cicely AK. The show received 57 nominations including 27 awards. It was one of my favorite shows. It is in our library and maybe I’ll start to watch it again. Funny personal story about this town.[]

JackPedigo 9 Jan 14

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I love Roslyn and Cle Elum. I have great friends on that side of the mountains. I have been hoping women would be in more leadership roles since the 60s. I think it helps to have an older perspective of the history of this issue. It isn't an easy fix but I think women should continue to educated each other in order to educate men. Our society still objectifies and cheapens us with commercials, FB memes etc. I remain the eternal optimist though.


I am hoping more qualified women run in 2018. For me qualifiied means willing to work for ALL your constituents, do not lie, obfuscate, or be divisive. Work for solutions not just party line. Sarah Huckabee, NO NIcki Kelly, BIG NO. Collins from Maine voted for the tax scam. My point is we got here by not demanding better candidates, this party line crap has go to stop if we are going to be a better democracy.
Back to the Northern Exposure - remember the grizzled old guy you'd see in the bar (in Roslyn it's called the Brick ) as an extra? That was Johnny Rothlisburger my neighbor in Cle Elum. Another neighbor worked with casting. The trebuchet in the cow fling? Another friend help build it. The show did alot for the economy, both good and bad.

I was on a 'dam' trip (Rocky Reach and Grand Coulee) with my daughter and previous partner. We were heading back and I saw something and made a U turn. The others looked at me? We drove into Roselyn an had lunch at the bar. Lots of motor bikes outside and riders inside. That article brought back memories.

@JackPedigo I have yet to do the 'dam' trip. The geology of eastern WA is amazing, potholes, scablands all formed from massive water flows from ice dams breaking in Montana over and over again witht he ice ages.

@silverotter11 I was in the Mountaineers and we made many trips to that region including the Silver Lakes region and there is an amazing short video put out by PBS called "Nick on the Rocks". Look for his dry falls episode. Computer graphics show the flood in a way that shows it's size. I drove along the Grand Coulee and stopped to explore some caves. Brings back more memories.

@JackPedigo I've seen some of Nicks episodes and the one you reference, been so busy with this 'new' site I've not been doing some of the other time eating things on the internet I was doing.

I totally agree with the party line loyalty crap (now you've got me doing it). Extremism on both sides are tearing us apart.
I hear you about too much site time. It has gotten to almost be a drug. I sometimes have to force myself to stop and do other things.


Loved Northern Exposure

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