There is a woman with whom I occasionally interact with at work, who is actually a very lovely woman, but for the tiresome fact that she cannot stfu. Once she has found a captive audience, unable to escape, she will luxuriate in sheer ecstasy at listening to herself speak. And she can't seem to vomit every single thought from her mouth in under one and a half to two or three hours. She selfishly takes up others' time as though their time is not more important than hers and her continuous verbal vomitting. Why? Are their any experts on this type of person? I've only known three people like this. Is this a condition of some sort?
In my 20s, I worked as a caseworker for an organization for mentally ill people. My job was to take four mentally ill people to work in a large warehouse for a department store.
My groups' job was to assemble cardboard boxes with floor staplers.
Richie, a rail-thin, obsessive-compulsive woman, could not stop talking. She obsessively worked at 128 percent of productivity. Richie followed me into the bathroom, and stood talking through the stall door. Asking her to stop talking didn't work.
Dale, a rock musician, had burned out his mind with drugs. Severely paranoid, Dale continually peered around crazily, looking suspicious and paranoid.
Dale had reason to feel paranoid. In the warehouse, metal trolley tracks ran up-and- down each aisle. Couches and large furniture were automatically lowered from the ceiling into the trolleys. If you stepped in front of a one-ton, moving trolley, you could be killed.
Our workstation was next to a giant, loud Shredder. This bellowing machine spewed paper and cardboard dust into the air, choking us. I was the only person wearing a face mask.
"Which one of us is crazy?" I though, looking around, fearful of the heavy, moving trolleys.
"How are you doing, Kathleen?" work colleagues asked, slapping me on the back when I got back to the office. Clouds of dust rose from my shirt and hair. I felt like Pigpen.
I have been around such people. Being the nice guy that l am (ahem), I would typically listen until I could listen no longer, then come up with an excuse to go. A few months ago I had one of these motormouths behind me on a flight home from Hawaii. Fortunately, I always bring earplugs on flights, so I was able to minimize the effect of the yammering. Yes, it does seem to be some sort of psychiatric disorder. I tend to think these people have very little self-awareness.
I found a can't-shut-the-eff-up disorder!
Logorrhea - pathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking
No but I date one.
Maddeningly annoying.