I'm just wondering?
I assume you're talking about this site? Since you've only made this one post even though you've been on here over six months, I'm guessing you've yet to find out. This is more than simply a dating site where you join up and wait for someone to show up. First of all, you need to put more in your profile, answer more questions, say a little about yourself. Then it helps if you interact with the community, it's a good way to get to know people and for you to get to know them. There's never any guarantee that you'll meet someone, but you'll have a better chance if you put in some effort and you might make some friends in the process.
There are two question marks there but only one question. It is not clear what it is you are asking. If you want to know if being on this site is a good idea....I would say, yes it is for me, but I don’t know about you, only you can judge that. “I’m just wondering” is a statement not a question so no question mark is required.