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QUESTION George Carlin on Religion and God - YouTube

My all-time favorite George Carlin routine. He prays to Joe Pesci. I pray to the NSA because at least I know they're listening 😛

ScienceBiker 8 Jan 14

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When I was a teenager, a cousin brought a Carlin album to the house, both parents (Dad and Stepmom deeply religious) were at first very offended by what they heard coming from the record player in my room. Dad made us turn it down and was on my case big time, then he sat down and listened. He ended up laughing so hard he had to leave the room.

Thanks for posting!


I've seen this many, and never get tired of it. In fact I wanted post this, but forgot how to operate a link. I struggle with my computer, for that matter any computer. Thanks for sharing


George Carlin needs to be reincarnated!


I love this guy. He and James Randi helped me make my decision.

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