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Shouldn't the quality of life be considered as to when a person decides to live or die?

Marine 8 Aug 14

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Yes, it should. However, the choice shoule always be the person whose life is in question.

In98% of the cases but I have given that power to my healthcare provider(My daughter ) should I be terminal and unconscious or in such pain thaty I am in a coma.




Only the individual can decide when their life has become intolerable. Why should any state be able to overrule any individual’s free choice to end their life? Euthanasia is more humane than allowing people to suffer or have no quality of life. We don’t allow our pets to suffer why should we expect human beings to do so?


I as an individual agree that a person should be able to consider suicide when the quality of life is such to support this decision. I feel it is inhumane to force a person who is terminal and in great pain and suffering to continue this condition if the person would rather die. A peaceful death with their family or friends around to say goodbye is better than a person committing suicide alone and in shame according to society. It is time to reverse this thinking and allow the person the dignity to decide when to end their life.

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