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I am brand new to this site. Thanks to Facebook adds. I don’t recall talking about wanting to meet more agnostic people, I guess I must have thought it and the Grand Wizard Google caught it. So here I am. Last year I ran for office in Dallas and came out as an Atheist. Yes “came out”. Some of you may remember me from the Reddit/Atheist subreddit and from the Podcast I did with the Friendly Atheist. Or you may not recognize me or care at all. Either way I am passionate about policies, justice, and separation of church and state. I’m from Fort Worth and have lived in Dallas 7 years. I’m looking forward to making friends or even meeting someone to date!

BeautifulMind 2 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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That was very brave of you to run for political office as an open atheist. I'll be frank with you. It is political suicide nearly everywhere in the states. Certainly in the South. You and I both know that religious individuals have more children. And We know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So there are relatively few atheists to vote for an atheist candidate like yourself. But gathering in groups and realizing that we are not alone in our beliefs is a step we can take. And having kids doesnt hurt either. One day someone like you will be president of the United States. I'm willing to bet on it. If the country survives 🙂


I think Facebook brought most people here lol. It's a pretty cool place and some good discussions definitely occur. The site is very much in its infancy though, just give it time.


So what office did you run for in Dallas and how did it turn out? There is a woman in Ft Worth running for United States Senate this year. Heard her talk at a Freethought meeting last week. Forgot her name.


Welcome ! I'm glad to see more people joining this site. At first I was disappointed but it is growing now.. There are a few good Meetup Groups in DFW also that are fairly active.


Facebook brought me as well


Welcome aboard.

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