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The risks involved with Appeals to Emotion

“Appeal to emotion or argumentum ad passiones is a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the recipient's emotions in order to win an argument, especially in the absence of factual evidence.”

This logical fallacy, imo, is at the center of faith in all things unevidenced.
Theists are won over, or compelled to believe based on feelings alone.

We are emotional creatures, humans. That is both profoundly beautiful and dangerously precarious.
I think because we are so easy to influence, it’s imperative that we do our best to balance logic and emotion.

What are the risks in appeals to emotion aside from having faith in a god?

Have you ever been accused of something you’re not guilty of, yet the accuser felt strongly that you were guilty, sans evidence?
I think addiction is a disorder that has its origins in appeals to emotion.
Can you think of anything else?

AMGT 8 Oct 16

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It is an interesting question. It reminds me of a thought experiment I heard on Sam Harris's podcast once. I don't remember the specifics but it goes something like this:

A person enters a burning building and is given a choice of two things that they may save. Their daughter or an priceless Rembrandt. Now if you were asked what is the more moral thing to do you could objectively say that taking the Rembrandt is. The logic follows that if you take the Rembrandt you can sell it and save thousands of lives with the money. If you retrieve your daughter you only save one life.

I think only a monster would actually do this. But it's probably an "appeal to emotion" that gets you out of the situation.

I used to believe that a Spock like emotionless rationale was the best way to be. But without balancing it you can get yourself into some pretty sticky situations.


I feel it, so it must be true. I feel Jesus in my heart or god speaking to me. I feel that he is a good person or I feel it is right because I have always done it that way.


Lmao this kind of reminds me of when I didn't like the 13 tapes or whatever netflix series cause i thought it was dumb, someone wouldn't let me have that opinion because she went through something similar to what happened in the show so it wasn't allowed to be a bad show.


I think tribal appeals are far more dangerous than appeals to emotions. I'm a liberal in a progressive zone and it does not feel safe here XD

EDIT : I think reason is a tool to aid attraction/avoidance mechanisms. The goal must be set by values before reason can seek and weigh possible paths. If this is the case, emotions maybe the foundation of reason and also why it's such a gripping fallacy.


In psychologist J. Haidt's book, The Rightious Mind, Haidt talks about how people use reason to persue goals. These goals first requires values such as truthseeking, theory validation, etc but also includes food seeking or anything requiring problem solving as reason is the problem solving aspect of action. These values are animalistic and one big value for social creatures is group competition as it often dictated which group goes extinct. It is less of a tribal appeal and more of a person labeling outsiders as niggers as you can see by my question regarding simulation hypothesis.

Simulation hypothesis is simply an induction based on the assumption that conscious life can be simulated. If possible, then simulated worlds can themselves simulate and thus we are likely simulated as opposed to original. Somehow as you can see, my mention of programmers has made me a negro of this master race society lol. That is tribalism and it is human nature. ????

I chose to use the contrast of n vs whites but this is a contrast that has happened often. Skin colour, gender, race, political affil, religion, family, class, etc all work. Jews to nazi, crusaders, islamists, etc. Pick your tribe to research lol. Most people are tribal as such. To be otherwise, is to be abnormal and as such is a very strong blocker to reason.

Tribes contribute heavily to values, emotions, and even reasoning through group think. It's rare for the individual to resist the influence of the mob, not only in who to demonize but how to feel and what goals we ought to set reason in trying to achieve. Although we can understand logical fallacies, it is likely similar to understanding that pain as c-fiber stimulation. I don't think mere understanding can mind over matter such a core aspect of human nature. It is so core that oxytocin the bonding hormone increases tribalism. In the book Against Empathy, Paul Bloom points out the double edged nature of empathy.

Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio finds that emotions are the primary drives to decision making. [] and Social Psychologist Jonathan Haidt believes that emotions drives action and because reason is action, emotions also drive reasoning. His research on moral dumbfounding is quite disheartening. On the flip side, many believe that heavy reasoners such as Jeremy Bentham might have suffered from autism but that's both the vast minority and a huge sacrifice. Another solution might be to somehow cultivate a tribe which values logic and honest inquiry but that's a seriously a game of manipulation.

So the problem of emotional appeals might be a symptom of something much deeper. Tribalism amplifies it. No group is safe from it. General solutions are pretty inhumane.

N vs whites? @LucemFerre


I think one of the major risks in appeals to emotions aside from having faith in God, is irrational behaviors.

Some have emotional triggers lurking just below the surface that could bring out something, possibly violently


Right on all counts. The 2 basic instincts for all life is survival and reproduction. That is how evolution works. We humans are cognizant of death and have added fear thereof to the equation. Ideas of immortality and "be fruitful and multiply" means our numbers have gotten out of hand. Due to a limited resource base and nature's need to balance lifeforms this is putting a constant strain on our multiplying. We redouble our fruitfulness with technology and religion which has created a vicious cycle. This is where we are today with any sense of reason going out the window. We are mortal and, like many other species, can go extinct. Look into Existential Risk Studies.

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