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So is it just me or does it bother anyone else when the person you had a kid with and it didn't work out for some reason now you have the child they get mad when you are busy and can't video chat with them but they never really ask how the kids are doing. Not only that but can go out and buy themselfs new stuff while you are worried about how you're going to afford two different size diapers wipe ect. But not once ask if the kids need anything. I'm not trying to be bitter but I'm not going to tell him hey our kid needs this because he knows his kids need stuff but just doesn't care to ask. That just. .... Teats how my past week has been going. And it just really got to me tonight.

Jswearingen92 5 Jan 16

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There are a lot of variables to this situation.


Bite your pride and ask. Then you can be mad/disappointed if he doesn’t help.

And reality is that not all people who had kids are good enough to be parents.

I have told him a few times but his response is i just called to see my kid. .. I'm just tired of him living saying I'm not letting him see them when I am when I have time to or am around my electronics to awnser him...

Good. You’ve done this right thing. Now start archiving all correspondence. You have to show he will not help. @Jswearingen92

Agreed with @Annaleda. Having had a few friends in this situation, I recommend keeping records of everything.

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