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Anyone else randomly loose an ailment?

This year I've escaped all symptoms of hay fever. I don't know what's going on, (I'm not going to question it!) For years it's been bad... sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat all gone this year! The last few years its gotten less and less and this year; crickets.

pepperjones 8 Aug 21

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Perhaps years of exposure has made your immune system less reactive? Taking stronger meds now? Changed your diet? Getting more rest?Less stress in your life?

@pepperjones Odd,maybe higher stress has reduce your response to the alergins? You;ll find out when it's all and done,hopefully soon. I've never divorced,only one marriage,so cannot comment on it at all.


Magic... 🙂


May not be as random as you suppose. The first questio that cane toi mind was, did you increase your intake of honey, or did you start a supplement that contained bee pollen or royal jelly.

Personally, I take a bee pollen supplement which prevents me from experiencing hay fever. It costs less than decongestants.

If you have hay fever, it is best to consult a doctor before self prescribing bee products to reduce symptoms. It usualy takes at least two months, taken daily, for bee products to make a noticeable difference

Also, a major change in location, such as moving to a different state, or climate can move you away fromt eh pollen that bothers you.


I did... I used to be really heavy... let's just go with that... and I found that my allergy symptoms decreased significantly when I lost weight... Like I used to have to take allegra d every day to even be able to see because my eyes watered so badly that it was impossible to function... now... I don't even need to take medication.


My last cold was in January 2005 ...not long after that I committed to going raw vegan for 1 year and eating a clean diet of no processed foods again. While I'm not fully raw anymore, I am still 80% raw and still eating 99% clean. I have never called into work sick in my life. I also have no health issues at all or allergies and my last bloodwork (just 3 weeks ago) was perfect!!! 🙂

I keep telling doctors that they need to study my blood and use it to create anti-cold vaccines LOL

@pepperjones exactly, I'm still 100% plant-based and I drink a lot of kombucha and herbal teas. I haven't had any refined sugar in over a decade and I don't eat candy, donuts, cookies, cakes, etc. unless I make them and they are vegan and clean. 🙂 Control your ingredients and you control your health.

@pepperjones of course food matters! how ignorant of her to say that! our bodies are built from what we ingest. That is common sense.


There is speculation in the medical community that hookworm infection can alleviate some tips off allergic reactions.


An interesting, if not very likely possibility.

*types of


My hay fever has receded over the years, but I've developed other allergies to certain metals, detergents, and aluminum based antiperspirant. Weird stuff, right?

@pepperjones I switched to Schmidt's Lavender Sage. Love it.

@pepperjones I am not brave enough for that. Childbirth? Sure. Waxing? Hell, no!


Yeah same with the allergies. I think any allergic reaction except the serious acute allergies (to nuts, bees, or shellfish etc that send you into shock immediately) will lessen over time if you let yourself suffer n build immunities for a while. I used to have awful allergies n at some point I stopped taking antihistamines and suffered through it a few years and they bother me much less frequently now. I used to get strep throat every year for like 7 years and I wouldn’t let them take my tonsils out because I knew how important to the immune system they are. I believe that’s where this allergen immunity gets fostered.

Another weird thing, after I got my allergies to their lowest ever a few years ago, I suddenly tried a new mouth wash and made the mistake of gargling with something that kills all bacteria in the throat, and I immediately came down with the worst case of allergies I’ve ever had and was miserable all summer all over again. My allergy to poison ivy has been kicking in a lot this year but I feel like I’m slowly building some immunities there too, doesn’t bother me nearly as badly as it did at the beginning of summer.

@pepperjones yep my advice is just if you use an antibacterial mouthwash, don’t gargle! Lol it could have been a coincidence but allergies have never hit me that bad in my adult life, it sucked.


I used to get poison ivy real bad. Maybe a body builds immunities. Maybe fixing one's psychological state affects other stuff.


The same thing happened to me. I used to get horrible seasonal allergies and now I hardly get a thing.


I have read this can happen. The reverse can also happen. You can live in a place with no problem with allergies, and one year they can hit you.

This year in the desert with all the bloody dust...

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