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Has anyone been 'shunned' or suffered violence for their lack of belief?

Has family disowned you?

atheist 8 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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As a former member of Jehovah's Witnesses.. (I abandoned that religious cult 18 years ago) I have been shunned by many formerly "close" friends due to my becoming an apostate. Anyone else here an ex JW?


Not yet... I'm just a newbie....its only been 6 months since I finally said screw this.


My parents are so religus I don't know if I couled go 5 minits


I can't think of a time I was ever treated violently but I was shunned for not being Christian in a home schooling group. I did find another but it was odd and interesting that I wouldn't push bible study onto my son... at the tender age of 6. If he wishes to study the bible, he will do so on his own and I won't interfere but to be ignored and blocked out for something like that floored me.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 18, 2018

Often shunned, but more by people from where I grew up rather than where i live now,even though I work with many Christians they seem ok to me.


At nine I started questioning the bible. I was harassed, placed in counseling sessions with the church pastor and youth pastor. suspected of being possessed and was the victim of an exorcism twice. shunned by family including both parents.



ya in ne yek they onle yell atcha about how ye drive

@atheist well I live in the ghetto alot of bad stuff happens here so people need something to blame it on. Not being a x-tians in a place where unitelligence strives...


No. My mother, the religious one accepted that I had gone a different way and didn't believe in her god. Think it was more important that I was around, than make a big thing of it. As far as the rest of the family, they are religious, and racist, and bigots, so to hell with them.


Not yet...but I'm not all the way "out" yet. When people are old, deeply religious, and emotionally immature, I cut them a lot of slack. For their health.


Yes. I grew up in SLC. Mormon teachers and parents would tell their students and kids to stay away. It was openly hostile.

I wasn’t alone but it felt that way. @atheist

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