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Calling atheist know it all's is insulting and wrong. seams some people on here, get emotional when an atheist that has researched a topic to the extent that they can debunk, or educate people on said topic, does not make them a know it all, they did their research. I can almost guarantee then they don't know it all, and will be honest on topics they don't know much or anything. I have had to block a few of them because they go running to the admins for debunking their woo . Anyone else having these issues? most on here are very kewl btw.

MichaelSpinler 8 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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How did you get my picture? Lol!
Awww heck.... I'm probably the same way as them. I'm a little vocal when I got the answer too. BUT..... I'm not going to hammer a person if they got a different answer then mine. Yes.... we got some touchy people in here.


No, not YET. I am surprised I have not been kicked off a lot of sites. I am always courteous as much as possible, but when people are faced with facts that refute their religious beliefs they take it very personal. I often try to soften the blows by saying "when I was a Christian, I believed....and found out that...."

I did post quite a few post on various pathos sites in response to their writers. My responses were as benign as they are here but mysteriously ended up deleted usually within about 10 minutes. Imagine that. They must work very hard to edit the content of the comments, that is when they actually leave them open.


Not so far, but I’ve gotten a vegan mad at me.

He didn’t want me adding cheese and bacon bits to his humus ???? @Stevil


I'm constantly learning on here. So I've never ran into anyone like that on here.


Iv seen a couple people hold their ground about things that are plainly incorrect, even after hearing from people with firsthand experience, I just ignore them after a simple correction is not accepted; However, I do take issue with people who take an interest in breaking others down before correcting them, even if it’s not me they are doing it to, I don’t like to see anyone treated with disrespect.

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