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What if God was one of us?

What if the Hebrew God Yahweh came down and proved that he was real? Would you rather...?

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SonderOpia 8 Jan 19

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I believe we ARE the god we seek, but we put limitations on ourselves. 'It's too hard', 'I can't', 'It's impossible'.There are apparently 'god centers' in the brain, which I'm sure evolved with us and gave us something we believed was greater than ourselves with power to help us through whatever. It allows individuals to draw on a 'higher power' to accomplish the difficult or impossible, when in reality, they draw on their own strengths without limitations, because they believe this comes from outside themselves. Even today, in general this makes it easier for any individual to do what he/she may not have otherwise, because 'god gave me the strength', 'god got me through', 'it is the will of god'.


All gods are creations of men.

Emile Level 5 Jan 21, 2018

Stephen Fry set it all. 'Cancer in children, what's that about?...(Yahweh) is a monster, a maniac...'


Actually I would Crucify his ass again. Put his ass back up on that cross.

Savage LOL


If he's one of us what would be the point of being a god?

The title of this was just a catchy tune from back in the day. And he's supposed to kind of be one of us we're made in His image. But I think I'm smarter than he is LOL.

I think people invented Gods in their own image.

That is an excellent question. Flawless logic.


I'm god, The reason I know this is because anytime I've ever prayed I found I was talking to myself


If he's anything like what's in the Bible I'd rather burn.

Song Lirics do provoke a thought process. Can’t recall the female who sang it though.Like if god was one of us, “he rode with us on a bus”what would he look like.? Would he or she ! Be black or white . I’m sure if hypothetically God was among us he should hang his head in shame “ what have I done” if he fixed all the worlds ills . Returned all monies stolen in his name , vaporised all Muslims because Allah is a false idol. Only Buddha would be beside him. . What a sight. ...If only!,

Absolutely!! If god ever shows up, I have tons of questions for him, and if that kind of attitude offends him (or her, or it), then there is not much to be venerated in a person (being, thing) like that. And if he is powerful enough to decide my eternal future, and he decides to puvnish me, I will take the punishment any day rather that venerate such a mediocre being.

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