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LINK This Steve Bannon guy though...

Replace "Tesla" with "White House," "CEO" with "President," and "funding secured" with... well pretty much anything, and you have the situation from which Bannon found himself fired less than a year ago.
The entire time I was reading this article, all I could think was, "Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle n-" ...Nevermind

ghettophilosopher 7 Aug 30

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Yeah ... pot, meet kettle. But it suits his purposes of the moment to use this line of reasoning to attack a particular concept or entity or person ... that is characteristic of him and Trump and the rest.

A similar example yesterday is Trump railed that any news story from "unnamed sources" must inherently be false. Less than an hour later he cited a story from an unnamed source to bolster some argument of his own.

So it goes ...

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