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Cruz’s head is so inflated. He honestly thinks he doesn’t have to campaign. Just pander to the rich donors. I’ve seen no ads, nothing! Not that I want to see his disgusting mug. I’m sure that will change closer to November.


Under ground, where they belong!


I keep seeing notices about where Beto has gone to campaign , but have not read one word about his politics , or what he stands for . I've begun to believe his campaign is based solely on the the concept , of , "I'm not Ted Cruz ."

I've seen Beto speak and I think he touches on a lot of issues. They are also detailed on his website:

If you friend Beto on FB you can follow his travels all over Texas. A lot of his town hall meetings are broadcast via FB Live (or posted on FB after the fact) and you can see him answer questions about his political views from the crowd in real time.

From what I've seen and heard, he's less of a hardcore Bernie Sanders "Socialist" (not that there's anything wrong with that though his opponents like to portray him as such) and more of a "reach across the aisle" pragmatist-type a la George W. Bush (when he was governor of TX). This was evidenced by his answer to the question about NFL players kneeling during the national anthem (which has since gone viral).

Beto seems very genuine, sincere, respectful, optimistic, thoughtful... Meanwhile, Cruz is starting to panic (I would too after seeing the polls) and is going negative. We'll see which strategy works...

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