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Is being an Atheist less threatening today?

Are theist beginning to realize that a person who lacks belief in a God is just as capable of being a good and trustworthy person as one that does? Or is it getting worse?

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paul1967 8 Sep 19

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I agree with snytiger; it depends on which country you are talking about. In some places it is getting worse.


In my lifetime, nto much has changed other than more people are self described as atheists. The religious right does seem to think this means there is some kind of war on religion, when in fact it just means more people are accepting common sense, over what some guys who herd voices in their heads (prophets) said over 2000 years ago.

It does depend on what part of the world you live in though. I some countries you can be put to death for not believing in the local religion (mostly Islam).


it is truly mind-boggling that in this century of advanced as well as historical knowledge that there are still so many people who believe in religion---any religion.


depends on the region and country you're living in


With the explosion of right-wing religious and political nut-jobs since the 2016 election, it's probably a more dangerous time for anyone to admit to being an atheist than it was previously. The haters have been empowered and are more virulent than ever. I'm extremely careful about whom I share my irreligious beliefs with.

I understand your hesitation, but with the exception of work, everyone knows I'm an atheist. I'm done hiding. Completely done


I think religion is dying and there's always a push by those who profit from such things to try to keep their money train active. I think as older religious people die off it gets better, as with many things. Glad we don't live forever.


I mean we use to be murdered for our beliefs in most countries now we are only killed in some


I don't think theists believe that non-believers are just as capable, but are somewhat capable. However, it is improving in some respects.


It's getting much better. Why do you think that churches (and I mean ALL denominations) are begging for people to stay? I feel that I am more, much more better and trustworthy than any religious person I know. Speaking for myself, I would never discriminate against anyone based on their beliefs.


"To Live Right and Meaningful" goes beyond any religious fence

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