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Science (based on evidence) versus faith (indoctrination from someone else, in my experience). Anyone else have an opinion on this?

I travel all over the world with work, and there is a marked difference in the religious beliefs, I find. The country that I still cannot understand (I'm from the UK) is the USA. I constantly come across creationists and other "affiliations" that are off the scale when it comes to uninformed opinions that reject science. And that, to me, seems the crux ...

zanyfish 6 Oct 17

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Trying to explain why you choose faith over reasoning is interesting, using logic to explain that you shouldn't trust logic, its a funny idea


It is a strange nation that embraces ignorance, while rejecting science. It is not that ignorance exists in the people of a nation but, that so, much of it exists across that entire nation. Baffle me as well and I live next door to them.

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