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I have been an Agnostic basically forever. I say Agnostic because to assume 100% that there is no higher power seems arrogant. My children have all followed in my footsteps because I raised them to think for themselves. My question is does anyone think Agnosticism became the family religion, my wife was a believer?

freethinker09 5 Oct 18

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Even Richard Dawkins is only 99.99% atheist. I think any intelligent human holds the actual possibility that there is a god could be true, we just haven't seen any evidence of it yet. The same goes with aliens who might have been mistaken for gods of the past. It is very very hard to explain all of the manmade structures of the past like the pyramids and manchu pichu that can hardly be replicated by modern tools / machinery. Just as it is hard to say there may not be a 0.01% chance of there being a god considering how dominant theism is in the world today. Which god is up to the individual - lol! 🙂

So the majority of your family are agnostic, so you could say that your family is agnostic. But families like society being made up of individuals so having one who is a believer could be taken that you are not as a family agnostic. So it seems it is up to you to decide what label you use.


I think you have just done a good parenting job and given your kids the ability to think for themselves without having to offload a burden of indoctrination first. To equate having your kids think for themselves as the equivalent of a religion would only be the sort of thing a religious person could conceive of.


I am at the 99.99999999999... percent. Because of all of my learning and observation, I also concur with what Mark Twain has said: "If there is a god, he is a malign thug."


What do you consider a more useful attribute. Living your life based on facts? or Living your life based on a lie. One is arrogance the other isn't.


I think it has become your family belief but, it is not a religion religions require the following of dogma, ritual and some form of acknowledgement of the creator, spiritual leader, teacher, etc.

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