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What is your favorite place you've ever lived?

As you can imagine, Arkansas isn't that great. Where would recommend to move and why? What did you like or not like about the different places you've lived or stayed for time?

EarthKate 5 Sep 8

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80 comments (76 - 80)

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Kounipidiana Village minutes from the city of Chania, in the island of Crete, Greece. In the 90's. The wife was 7,000 miles away. Cost me a Divorce... I will do it again. It was like living on Spring Break from late February to late November. Except the Women were Sophisticated, European Young Ladies down to Earth to Party Hearty. There is Nothing like Island Living!!! Best time of my life. I was born in an Island after all! I just relocated to the city in a crater of the moon. Away from anyone that knows me! Can't smell the Ocean in the air!!! But it will do me fine. Until I am ready to return to Europe, maybe one of the Baleares Islands. Since I already lived it... I just want the noise of Party in the background. "Island Living fer Life!!!" Growing up in San Juan was not bad at all!!! I was the Prince of Santurce. Despised by all the girls in my neighborhood because I never dated anyone from my hood! Thank You Poster for the Memories!!!


Seattle, Washington - the plush greenery makes up for the 9 months out of the year precipitation!


My home town of O'Neill Nebraska I'm not a big fan of large cities like San Diego CA or Norfolk VA


A couple of years in NYC. I still miss it, but it's expensive, even the outer boroughs.


I'd have to say Flagstaff, AZ. It has changed a lot over the past 20 years, but when I lived there it was awesome.

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