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This Epic Twitter Thread is for Pregnant Women Who Can't Get a Seat

My favorite:

"Well it finally happened in my 8th month of pregnancy, I just sat on a man’s hand and bag when he wouldn’t move them off the last spare seat on the bus. We’re now sharing a very quiet ride."

"I hope you farted on his hand," a woman replied.


LiterateHiker 9 Sep 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I live in the city and use the government sponsored limousine service, what some call the bus, and run into this kind of behavior daily. I vacillate between just letting it go or being rude back depending on my mood at the time. The thing I try to remember is everyone is entitled to a moment of unthinking and a bad day and then be rude back.?


Sad actually, the loss of civility. I have never, ever, not once in my life failed to offer my seat to a pregnant woman. Absent physical disability or injury, there is no excuse not to.


People suck...


People are becoming less understanding to those in need. In so many ways. Callous indifference is epidemic. A number of years ago, I was riding the train in Japan (a very different culture experience). I stood up for a pregnant woman who was startled by my action. Then, I had to block my seat with my leg to stop a man from taking it first.

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