My favorite:
"Well it finally happened in my 8th month of pregnancy, I just sat on a man’s hand and bag when he wouldn’t move them off the last spare seat on the bus. We’re now sharing a very quiet ride."
"I hope you farted on his hand," a woman replied.
I live in the city and use the government sponsored limousine service, what some call the bus, and run into this kind of behavior daily. I vacillate between just letting it go or being rude back depending on my mood at the time. The thing I try to remember is everyone is entitled to a moment of unthinking and a bad day and then be rude back.?
Sad actually, the loss of civility. I have never, ever, not once in my life failed to offer my seat to a pregnant woman. Absent physical disability or injury, there is no excuse not to.
People are becoming less understanding to those in need. In so many ways. Callous indifference is epidemic. A number of years ago, I was riding the train in Japan (a very different culture experience). I stood up for a pregnant woman who was startled by my action. Then, I had to block my seat with my leg to stop a man from taking it first.