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Flat Earth

Do you believe in the earth being flat?

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RYSR10 6 Jan 23

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Seems like you can see the earth's curvature from a plane. And what about all those pictures of planets - all spherical. Pretty hard to be ignorant in the face of all the evidence but some people seem to be able to.


I have a hard time believing that many people actually believe this. I think it must be more of a political statement to make science believers angry.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 23, 2018

Well it's roundy with patches of kinda flat spots and lots o' dents and a bazillion tons of water..oh and it's wicked cold at the top And bottom..


You forgot the "WTF?! Are you serious, dude?!!! Hahaha" option.


There are so many ways to demonstrate that the earth isn't flat that it astonishes me that the issue is still alive.

It takes religion to believe crazy ass shit. Lol

@RYSR10 Why do religious people say the earth is flat?

@Coffeo A small group of Christians believe that the earth is flat due to certain verses in the Christian Bible.

@RYSR10 Do you happen to know if the same belief is held by hard-line followers of the Jewish faith, who share the same Old Testament?

@Coffeo That would be interesting to find out - I would believe so. Just look on YouTube, search "Flat Earth" and you will find much info. Lol

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