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What do you do when you're blue?

When you're down or not feeling your best, what are things you do to help and why? When we're emotionally down or blue, we tend to find our personal go to's or remedies that makes our day slightly better or as pleasant as possible. Hang with friends, hide and read, what have you. I usually paint or binge watch game grumps in my worst mood. No matter how much I want to not let go or fixate on the negative, I watch game grumps and it makes me laugh every time and it usually reveals the stupidity of the situation. It really helps you get out of your own head, as dumb as that is. What do you do when you're blue??

Kayterade5348 5 Sep 15

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Usually spend an excessive amount of time watching music videos. I've chosen other outlets before, like cleaning, sounds weird but it works sometimes.




Watch something fun on TV or Youtube,, sleep, write, talk to a supportive friend, sing, meditate.


And a good friend to chat with if needed


Music. Walk alone. Whatever feel like doing at the time.


I might give myself some shock therapy like a documentary about the holocaust or the inquisition.

MrDMC Level 7 Sep 15, 2018
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