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Intelligent theists are always trying to come up with fancy ways to pin and atheist against the wall to prove science doesn't have an answer for this or that (thermodynamics etc. blah blah) and then when you admit that science doesn't have an answer for these things they yell "Got'cha!" as if not having an answer proves that their specific god MUST exist.
Please do not waste your time engaging desperate theists.

Because we don't have and answer today IS actually the driving force of science. We seek the truth until we find a credible answer and THEN we keep seeking until we find a BETTER answer.
In the future we will have better means and equipment to find out more about what we can't see today.
So, even what we think is fact today, we know will likely be proven to have deeper truths tomorrow.
Religion is the stagnant language, not science.
We take pride in our non-answers to questions about the universe.
It's a challenge that engages our amazing brains.
We don't default to "Well that's just a mystery of god" when we get frustrated or confused.
We use our brains and ambition that evolution gave us and we try to figure shit out.

CountBoogie 2 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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