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Is it just me or does any one else find some movies more enjoyable without the video? Years ago while working on my media room I decided to play the movie "The Saddest Music in the World" (I had never seen it) without the projector running so I could get some work done. I found the move most enjoyable and later decided to watch the dvd with the video. I quickly turned the projector off and listened to the movie again as it was much more enjoyable without the video. I have also found many other movies to be more enjoyable without the projector. This week I listened to "The LEGO Batman Movie" and found it absolutely brilliant. After later re-watching it with video, although good, it was not nearly as enjoyable. Even some movies I have seen first with video such as, "The Spongebob movie sponge out of water in 3d", or La La Land I find more enjoyable (watching) later without the projector running. (Some parts of La La land without video can get you a little motion sick as the sound stage moves as the camera pans and without the video cues, the room moves around you as you sit still. Not fun but that movie only does that during a few bar scenes. If I don't have a group of people over for movies, on the rare occasions I run the media room, I will usually witch movies without the projector running.

NoMagicCookie 8 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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