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There is no evidence for the existence of natural rights. The idea of natural rights isn't a horrible idea but there is no evidence that they exist.

Those who assert that they do need to show how nature/God communicates what rights we have and what rights we don't have.

JonJacobs 4 Oct 20

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"There is no evidence for the existence of natural rights"

It depends what you mean by 'natural' but there are plenty of good reasons to assume rights exist whether or not they are man made or not man made.

"The idea of natural rights isn't a horrible idea"

Of course they're not which is why you cannot out & out deny them & have to tacitly admit to this.

"but there is no evidence that they exist."

Yes there is. For example if I were to say you had no right to express your opinion here you could either express that very real right or agree through silence seeing as silence gives consent.

"Those who assert that they do need to show how nature/God communicates what rights we have and what rights we don't have."

No they don't & you have NO right to say this. - Or do you think you DO? ....oh!

Paul Level 5 Oct 22, 2017

Natural rights are, by definition, innate. There is no evidence that there is an innate right to express one's opinions. Rights are a function of government/society.

If you're asserting that nature gives us rights can you show how nature communicates to us which rights we have and which rights we lack?


Existence is the result of pure chance, so having the right to exist is an illusion. This was driven home to me this last week when 6 healthy vibrant young men of my acquaintance had their lives snuffed out in a freak occurrence that made absolutely no sense, and left 6 families reeling.

I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?

they were the crew of a fishing boat that capsized and sank a few miles to the north of where I live.


I am not sure we have any "natural rights" other than to exist for how ever brief. But is even existence even a right?

Existence isn't an innate right. We can be obliterated.


I'm not sure that you'll find the evidence you're seeking. Natural rights are yours just by being human, by being alive. They are the right to live, the right to be free and the right to property. As a living breathing human being they are yours just by being. They are the result of the world growing away from absolute rule by monarchs over citizens with no discernible rights so each ruler could specify what you could do or not. Total rule governance was failing and needed to evolve and in so doing a philosophy was created establishing that certain principles outlined how those in power could or should govern with certain caveats being each persons' inalienable natural rights. You have the right to live. You have the right to be free. You have the right to property. Those are basic to everyone.

SamL Level 7 Oct 20, 2017

In the absence of a society who respects your right to be alive and you're right to property those rights don't exist. They are not innate right.

There is no such thing as "inalienable rights". All of human history shows that rights can be obliterated easily.

Locke said that natural law is written on our hearts and he based that on scripture. There is no evidence that natural law is written on our hearts.

It all depends on how you look at this. Primates treat each other with a certain level of respect and follow a law that can be defined. It's not written and likely not spoken. You could say it's "written on their hearts". Those words are a little two poetic for me, but the point is they are respecting rights that are never said.

Here is another way to look at it. Let's say out in the jungle I stake a claim on a corner to live. I pee all around my boundaries to mark my area. If anyone animal or otherwise challenges me I defend my space and claim my right to live, be free in my own area and protect what I claim as mine.


I don't believe that morality is subjective, I believe it's objective. If morality is objective then we don't require a God to dole out rights. They are a natural byproduct of believing that we need to treat others with decency.

John Locke believed some of the natural rights to be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I don't know about liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but surely you would agree that we have the right to life?

There is no innate right to life. In the absence of people who respect your right to life there is no such right.

I mean, it depends on what you call a right. Yeah, by definition they have to be given by people. I guess I am defining a right by what you should be given the moment you are born without having to earn it.

I think people have the right to life and the right to be treated with decency. But whether people observe that right is another matter. I'll concede that I may be defining rights differently than others. (and, if it has to be said, I don't think they are god given)

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