"One scary read" FTA: The book discusses the success libertarians and the Christian Right have had in portraying themselves as victims in an alternate reality, which has allowed them to mask their ambition to push predatory capitalism and Christian supremacy. Humanists and other nonreligious Americans are deeply concerned about this. What do you think a president Pence would do beyond what Trump’s already done on these fronts?
MD’A: Pence has long pursued the reversal of Roe v. Wade, privatization of education, and the elevation of so-called creationism as an alternative to the science behind our understanding of evolution. However, these goals represent just the start of what Pence would do. Much of the current administration’s agenda on the environment, energy, and the exploitation of public lands is driven by the vice president. As someone who believes God intends for Americans to exploit nature as fully as possible he would double-down on these policies.
Pence is a cold, calculating, narcissist. The fact that he's one of Trump's "puppet masters" is pretty damned scary!!
I can’t even do homework on Pence…