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A note from Lou Dobbs:

It was only a year ago that we could hear the Dimms and left wingers squawking and squealing, furious that Donald Trump had defeated Hillary . They said he couldn't win the nomination and then he trounced 16 GOP candidates, and then her to boot. They said he'd never be elected and he beat Hillery in the biggest political upset ever. And now those same self-proclaimed experts are predicting a ''blue wave'' of Democratic wins in the midterms. W?y? The pin-head pundits will tell it's because only 2 presidents in the last century have gained seats in the House and Senate in the midterm cycle. As is often the case, the savants are forecasting the political outcome they want. Just as the orthodoxy of daffodils declared the Trump presidency a disaster before it even began.. Now they can't bear to acknowledge how wrong they were, how biased and blind they were to what is now the avalanche of evidence and prosperity, that Trump's first year in office is the most successful of any president since FDR. The economy has been growing at a rate of well over 3 percent now, nearly 2 million people have gone off unemployment, black unemployment has plunged to it's lowest rate as well as for women. The stock market has grown by over $8.4 trillion... OVER 8 TRILLION ... Our taxes are going down, employers are handing out big bonuses and raises to their employees. Those workers will have more money in their pockets, wallets and accounts beginning next month, all thanks to the Trump tax reform. Trumps approval rating just hit 45%. Can you imagine what it will be after next month, by November, say on Election Day? No matter what nonsense the chattering class, the Dimms and the media would have you believe, consider this; Americans like winning and we believe Republican Reps and Senators who embrace Trump and his America First agenda, are the ones who will be victorious on the building midterm election. I can't wait. In part it's pettiness, but it will be glorious to see the Demms, RINOs and media elites squawking and squealing like they did a year ago.. But in larger part, because the country will remain on a steady course to a brighter and more prosperous future.

A quote for today from Thomas Payne; ''The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.''

Captain_Feelgood 8 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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And it was only a year and a half ago that most Republicans were saying the same thing.


Most of the people on this website are very liberal and likely to disagree with your post but I agree with it 100% and I don’t see the democrats making gains in the midterms especially if the economy continues to do good like it is now. I think it’s very likely the republicans will pick up seats in the senate as they only have 10 incumbents up for re-election versus 20 for the democrats.

Yeah, I'm not expecting many from here to give this a thumbs up... they've probably by now made me one of those that they don't pay attention to.. lol That's okay though.. stay tuned,, more to come.

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