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How many people here think life exists elswhere I do without a doubt. And the philosophy that aliens put life on our planet?!. Im very far from the point of view of say what Scientology claims I think them folks are totally evil and an enormous scam to say the least ,but the idea of another race responsible for life here isnt to bad of a theory

ScienceBill72 7 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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As with all astronomical numbers or laws of probability , the chances there is NOT life elsewhere is improbable. Yes of course life exists in the massive mind of ours. Do we really exist except in our unions of brains? Here among us , well could be possible if we, the human, can let go of looking for our self and be open to the idea of other life itself.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 28, 2018

Watch the film 2001 Odyessy

Im a big sci fan but for some reason ive never watched that film! , perhaps i will

The first one is far better than the sequel. But it does have an odd ending open to ones own interpretation.

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