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I upset several devout Christians this afternoon. I informed them, that their devil ( Satan) and; reached a mutually beneficial agreement. If he exists, and there is a hell, upon my demise I get a job. To mete out the justly deserved punishment to the damned. It seems to me this would be a useful way to spend eternity. But nooooo! I have to believe in and submit to something or else! Bless their little hearts, BTW I'm from the deep south.

DaveAaron 5 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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That's hilarious!


Does Satan have an HR department or do you apply online?


Why would the devil punish someone for doing bad? Why not god punish for doing bad?

I think it may be part of the franchise


Me too.


Hard to think the devil would punish people who did his work on the earth while they were alive. You'd think he'd be giving them medals and parades.


I am an extreme metal DJ it's my life's work to upset christians! I love fucking with all the Ned Flanders out there.


I always think if you upset some devout Christians, then the day hasn't been a complete loss. 🙂

@AxeElf No hostilities, just pointing out the absurdities in their rigid beliefs. The idea that punishment/damnation is the result of non belief is hubris at best, hypocrisy at worst. The assumption that salvation is available only if I subscribe to their brief system. That even if I am, by their definition, a righteous man; I am condemned in spite of my good actions. Their "God" seems to be a bit of a jerk.

@AxeElf "Bowing out of the fight"? That's really going to help the cause. You might be aware that there was a lot of accommodating in the 20th Century towards religion, showing all that respect and so on. Really paid off: extreme right wing evangelism, islamic terrorism, growth of religious fundamentalism. So when atheist activists in the early 21 C suggested a more muscular attitude towards religion, many of us heard the call. Hostility is the term you used. I would say a more confident and direct challenge to religion. Oh and by the way, my comment above was meant to be a tad humorous. Bowing out? Oh no; Why do you use the term Xians? ( I know the meaning)

@AxeElf I can't begin to imagine what logic might be used for your last statement, and I don't really care, but if you want to be courteous to religions then you go right ahead. No one says you have to subscribe to one form of atheism. But the truth is religions will take all that respect and keep doing the shitty things they have been doing for millennia. Good luck to you friend; (BTW my favorite term for Christians is "Christos" but its meant to be patronizing. 🙂 )

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