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QUESTION What Education Professionals Can Learn from Finland -

Teachers are also perceived differently in Finland, having the respect and status of doctors and lawyers. They are trusted to know what they’re doing and receive much autonomy in the way they teach their classes. This is not the case when it comes to teachers in the United States. Teachers are rushed from task to task and have little control over what and how they teach. It doesn’t help either that in addition to being underappreciated, US teachers are underpaid for the vital work they do.

Education and equality are completely intertwined in Finland, and that’s not something the US can do overnight. But in order to proper in education, the US would do well to adopt a Finnish mindset of equality and cooperation in our schools and our culture.

zblaze 7 Jan 28

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Agreed. The current administration is moving us backwards rather than forwards. We need more scientists, doctors, software and hardware engineers, researchers, etc to remain competitive in a global economy. Many of the experts in Tech are immigrants. We fail to get enough kids interested in STEM to support our needs. Isolationism doesn't work.

@buck1977 I'm not into that but I hope you enjoy it.

@buck1977 Apparently your, "I can't come up with a cogent argument so I'll just childishly insult you", machine runs 24x7.

@buck1977 I rest my case.

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