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LINK Grand Canyon at risk as Arizona officials ask Trump to end uranium mining ban | Environment | The Guardian

I've been posting a lot of Trump memes in the Trump Pinata section. But a lot of people don't realize just how bad his policy is and how it will affect them. I'm going to bomb the forum with links to what he is doing to our country. Thanks.

UrsiMajor 8 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes it us about time we turn to the truth. His , orange haired raccoon, policies are even mentioned in Scientific American I subscribe to the magazine and very rarely do they address politics. But scientist are stating, not asserting, that Trump policies will destroy the planet sooner. He has lifted regulations of fracking, Oh yeh, He has gotten rid of Obama Clean Air and Water Act. OH YEH, He has reduced corporate pollution penalties, OH YEH He has removed all scientific papers on climate change from the white house literature
Why on earth do people not even care about this? Seriously folks, this man is extremely dangerous and not just another W Bush.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 2, 2018
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