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What do the percentages mean..I thought I had read all the FAQs!

Norie 5 Jan 28

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Edison: " We are that which asks the question"

“The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?” Chuang Tzu




If you click on a user's percentage, it will show you where you two match. 🙂

Thank you!


It is an indication of how closely thinks you 'match' with that person, based on the answers in your profile - or so I understand myself.

Thank you!

I must be a rare critter....since I don't much with anybody. LOL

Well @DUCHESSA you match me 68% ...

@ToakReon No, no, no....YOU match me 68%......LOL

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