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LINK How Pro-Life and Anti-Abortion Culture Kills Women - Maternal Mortality Rate in America

I really feel like stirring up the pot today. Not sure what's gotten into me.

UrsiMajor 8 Oct 3

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When I hear people drop that "why don't they put those babies up for adoption"....I always ask them how many children they, personally, have adopted. KABOOM


Pro-life should be referred to as Pro-birth because that is as far as they will support an unwanted pregnancy. The exact opposite of anti-abortion is pro-birth not pro-life.
Like the exact opposite of pro-choice is anti-choice (not pro-life).

The exact opposite of pro-life is pro-death or anti-life which makes no sense in any circumstances except for death sentence vs life sentence otherwise everybody is "pro-life".


The main reason the U.S. MMR is so high is because most of those deaths are PoC. Infant mortality rates are also some of the highest in the world for a developed country and it is because of the deaths of black babies.
The AMA would argue differently but the figures do not lie, there is racism in the medical profession.


Great article. Thank you for sharing this.


Republicans would rather the abortion be done in an alley or that the mothers life is secondary to the baby. However after the baby is born they drop all concern for the welfare . They are not concerned about food,ed,healthcare for the children. Just look at the legislation passed to give the wealthy a tax break.

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