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LINK Nearly 20% of Trump Fans Think Freeing Slaves Was a Bad Idea | Time

If somebody would just take my keyboard from me today - that would be great.

UrsiMajor 8 Oct 3

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I'd like to round up that 20% and deny them their civil rights for a year and see how they like it. Follow them around in the store, have cops stop 'em for no reason and drag 'em outta their cars. Have cops show up cause a neighbor called the police on them. Get harsher sentences and be denied adequate care in the ER. Make their kids go to school in the poorer neighborhoods.


They’re in a cult of personality. Anything Trump says, they’ll take to heart.


This should come as no surprise to anyone. Trump is a racist through to his core.


My-voice-of-reason-friend says the poll isn't good enough b/c it didn't cite sources. Never mind that Time Magazine backs this data.


That just makes me want to live somewhere other than in the U.S., where poeple are much better educated about human rights.

I know.....if I could only tolerate the cold I would move to Canada in a heartbeat. 😉

@Lavergne If i could tolerate the cold I might want ot look at Northern Europe as well as Canada.

My sister thinks New Zealand. (She likes lamb chops).

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