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What death do you fear the most?

Kitty-kosmo85 4 Jan 29

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Slow one. I envision myself going down in a swift way; failed skydiving, high speed car accident. Something like that?

GinoG Level 4 Aug 4, 2018

Being eaten by a shark


Like this:


Being boiled to death in a big cooking pot by a tribe of cannibals. Although I had a horribly lucid dream once that I was really thirsty and found a plastic vending machine cup with what I thought was water in it - turned out to be superglue and my throat stuck in the "swallow" position, causing me to suffocate while running around in a panic. Was pleased to wake up from that one.


Nothing death is what awaits us all as for no longer existing you can only fear that if you are not remembered


A extremely boring one, like getting stuck somewhere, as the guy who got his hand stuck on a rock in the middle of nowhere

This reminded me of a 2016 movie called The Last Descent, that must have been a terrifying way to go 😮


To die at a Justin Bieber concert.

To die is bad - the the shattering, crushing embarrassment of an obituary saying 'Collapsed while listening to the music of Justin Bieber' would make almost any other style of death preferable.


I don't really care about dying , but not living to the fullest scar the shit out of me , yet I found myself having hard time dealing with life sometime . I don't want to die before I die ..

fred Level 3 Feb 10, 2018

I can not think of anything worse than being tortured to death


I’m really afraid of dementia, my grandmother died slowly, forgetting a little everyday, she was old and had every kind of pain, but the times she really struggled was when she couldn’t remember anything, idk, it’s just so hard on everyone.


A lonely one




slow, decaying, lonely, painful, ....?

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