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What is the difference between, believe in science, and believe in God? ... Should we prove everything with science, to believe? . If So what represents the unseen in your think?

belfo 6 Oct 3

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the difference is that science offers a method by which you can confirm the results of any finding, and god offers no evidence at all.

equating these two things is ridiculous.

and no, we shouldn't "prove everything with science, to believe". I can believe that the squirrel I'm looking at in my yard is a squirrel in my yard without ever applying any scientific method to it.

but equating that to believing in fairy tales with not one shred of evidence is also ridiculous.

You can find scientific evidence .. confirms that something cannot happen by coincidence

I would like to see this scientific evidence confirming that something cannot happen by coincidence.


Hmmm well if were to say, I'd say it is what you make of it. No one can perceive for you but your own senses. Do you believe or do you not? Why and how is what matters. Sometimes an answer can be more than a statement but a judgement, but it can also be that which opens the window to let the fresh air in. Sometimes I feel that people forget there's a window that they can open, not just look through.


Science is real and has the following definition: "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."

God defined as a supernatural creator has no credible evidence to support this definition.

If you were trying to ask: What is the difference between believing in things demonstrated (testable in the real world) by science and things like god which are asserted with faith (belief without evidence);

The answer is: Those that prefer testable reality over superstition trust science over the make-believe not testable (faith)

Thank you for saving me from having to think.....Well said!

@DavidLaDeau Thanks. Happy to serve.

I just pasted this reply to my word processor as this site seems to be soiled by theists asking non-sense (silly -actually sad - as they don't realize how laughable these questions are) about once a month. When I saved this reply I found an earlier reply I made to the same question. I often wonder if those that post such nonsense question are honest or just sealionining? This user seems to borderline legit so I try to treat him with borderline respect as he may (not holding my breath) actually be sincere and not realize how silly his questions are for so many of us.

@NoMagicCookie I have noticed that theist trolls have seemed to have taken notice of this site. That is a good thing as it indicates it is either making an impact or at least seen as a threat. Reality and facts are very threatening quite often it seems.


The scientific method is the most reliable way we have of establishing the facts of the world around us.

There is a significant body of evidence that shows that this due dilligence in examining the world around us works.
When I have used the scientific method to make sense of the world around me, I have found it to be effective in drawing a reasonable conclusion.

As for god(s), I have seen no evidence for the existence of any gods as described by the various religions.

So the difference is that science is a tool used to explain reality and god is a made up concept to explain the bits that science has not yet got around to.

If science can't explain it, the god(s) obviously did it!!!!! 😉

Do you believe in the unseen?

@belfodil Yes of course.

I can't 'see' oxygen. But I can test for it using a scientific method.

The same goes for electricity, magnetism and gravity. The scientific method has given us the ability to test for these and many other unseen things and explain what thet are and what they do. once their properyties and effects have been documented these effects then make up the 'Laws' of science which not on explain what happens but can predict what will happen in given circumstances (drop an object in a vacuum and it will accelerate at 10 m/second squared etc.). Then comes the scientific theory which then explains why these laws work.

If you are referring to unseen gods or the supernatural, then you would need to define what you are talking about before I could respond.

@Uncorrugated If you can prove that something exists by science ... this is not (unseen), I mean by the word unseen .. For example, the soul, life after death, paradise and hell

@belfodil Then on that definition, why would I believe in something that is undetectable?

If it interacts with reality, then it is detectable. If it cannot be detected, then it is no different than something that does not exist.

The time to believe that something exists is when there is evidence of its existence, not before.

@Uncorrugated You have made his conversation priceless!

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