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What is your attitude

If you discover that your partner (wife / husband), have Relationship with someone else ...How will your reaction be?

belfo 6 Oct 3

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Shit happens.

Deal with it and move on. If a relationship isn't working for one, then it isn't working for either. I don't own my wife and we currently choose to be monogamous. But that could change. What she does in her own time is her business.


I never assumed I owned my wife. I insisted she still go out with him. They were lifelong friends.


Since I'm poly, we'd have already discussed it, I'd gave already met my partner's interest & we'd all 3 have sat down in advance of their encounter to review the base rules.

If this were a case of him sneaking, lying, cheating, & disrespecting out relationship & committed agreements, I'm done. Pack my stuff & go. No point in staying.


Well first I'd be curious as to why they do. Not so much angry, maybe a bit surprised but hey, give em' a chance to explain. Is the reason legit or just stupid sauce?

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