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Why do they sing that way and why do I like that song? . []. . []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 29

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My big entertainment splurge is a 10-concert Chicago Symphony Orchestra package. Inevitably some of my subscription concerts include music with which I am unfamiliar, and I make myself go with an open mind becuase I might enjoy it -- and in fact about 80% of the time I do. But there's nothing like one of the best orchestras in the world playing one of my favorites. They're not "songs" but the concept transfers.

An orchestra with world renown...and a history of promoting Polish music.

@FrayedBear among many other things. 🙂


Interesting if repetition is your thing

Seemingly even if it isn't. One broadcasting rule for our community radios was that no more than three songs from the same artist were to be played in the one programme. A particular song&artist could however be played on each and every programme each and every day. As I broadcast non popular music in the style of festival concerts I ignored the rule.

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